I work primarily on the wheel making forms based on a tradition of function for use everyday. Inspiration for my work is fueled by nature, my love of birds, fruit and flowers. The slip trailing on all my work is reminiscent of my earlier days working in a bakery decorating  with icing, it is my favorite part of all my clay processes.Slip trailing is a process in ceramics created by squeezing lines of thick, liquid clay onto a wet or leather-hard clay surface using a squeeze-bulb or tube applicator.I feel like my piece will not be complete unless I add some of my flowing slip trailing work. For my pierced bowl leaf designs I use leaves I collect on my hikes in the mountains and create my own stencils. I am never afraid to experiment or come up with new ideas so my work will forever be evolving. I am in love with this medium and it has kept me grounded, humble and taught me great patience. I am  extremely grateful for clay coming into my life!